Global Jobs Finder - JobsCentre

Job Profile:
We are currently looking for Business Manager - Internet Sales, who has a through knowledge of Internet Commerce and the dynamics of Internet Sales and take care of the entire marketing relating activities through Web Sales for all the Stores across the country in co-ordination with the Marketing Team at Corporate Office.

Skill Sets:Ø To drive sales through the internet using the company's site, and build as an independant profit centre. The responsibilities would cover that for an SBU (Strategic Business Unit) head.

Ø To setup, monitor and evolve operational processes to meet customer requirements, control / eliminate fraud, meet the company's topline and bottom line targets.

Ø To conceive and implement an online marketing strategy that would drive traffic to the site, maximise hits / clicks and ensure visibility to the SKC Brand.

Contact Person:
Manager - Human Resource
SKC - A unit of LNB Textiles Private Limited
Corporate Office, # 92 Saravanaperumal Street
Purasawakkam, Chennai - 600 007
044 - 42079536, 42661311 Etxn:314
Fax: 044 - 4204 2202

Company Details:
Website: SKC
We are into retailing business in the Name and Style of SKC - a unit of LNB Textiles Private Limited operating 15 Malls across the country in Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Secunderabad and Pune having a work force around 2055 Employees and annual turnover around 300 crores(06-07).